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Ontario Curriculum

The Ontario English curriculum emphasizes the consolidation of the literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills. Students will analyse a range of challenging literary texts from various periods, countries, and cultures; interpret and evaluate informational and graphic texts; and create oral, written, and media texts in a variety of forms. An important focus will be on using academic language coherently and confidently, selecting the reading strategies best suited to particular texts and particular purposes for reading, and developing greater control in writing. 

Source: Ontario Ministry of Education Website

“Think Math is thinking English!”

How do I study English?

Increasingly, English classes at schools seek to develop comprehensive critical literacy skills including digital media literacy and transferable skills to promote success for students. This means students today must master not only reading literature and writing essays, but also deciphering and creating diverse forms of media texts.


Think English Program teaches necessary skills to develop and deepen insights while reading the variety of texts and trains students to effectively communicate ideas whether it be through writing, speaking, or audiovisual texts.

Think English Program

Three-tiered Sessions:

1) Exercise: Grammar
Students will be assigned a sequence of exercises in grammar and language conventions, based on an initial assessment designed to identify the areas of improvement needed. Each student will progress at their own pace with teacher supervision and guidance.

2) Instructions: Critical Literacy/Effective Writing Skills
Students will be instructed on a Critical Literacy or Effective Writing skill with practice activities. Focused on specific topics, this part of the program will provide students with the essential knowledge of terminology and concepts in literary analysis and the capacity to discern and produce appropriate voices.

3) Practice: Critical Literacy / Effective Writing Skills
Students will engage in an independent task requiring them to utilise and apply the Critical Literacy or Effective Writing skill learned in class. Combined with ongoing and detailed feedback from the teacher, students will have an opportunity to consolidate their understanding.


Critical Literacy skills are based on C. Comprehension: Understanding and Responding to Texts strand of the Ontario secondary school English curriculum and include topics such as:

Reading Comprehension
⸰ topic, audience, purpose
⸰ text forms
⸰ text features
⸰ method of development
⸰ mode of persuasion
⸰ literary elements
⸰ rhetorical & literary devices

Effective Writing Skills are based on D. Composition: Expressing Ideas and Creating Texts strand of the Ontario secondary school English curriculum and include topics such as:

Essay / Presentation Composition
⸰ developing inquiry questions
⸰ brainstorming strategies
⸰ formulating and organizing ideas
⸰ producing a rough draft
⸰ revising and editing
⸰ publishing

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