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Ontario Curriculum

Canada's TOP Universities (including the University of Toronto, Waterloo, Western, Queens, etc.) have ultra-high admission standards for programs like Pre-Med Sciences, Engineering, Computer Science, and Business.  A student is expected to have high school grades average of 90% or higher and often require Calculus and Vectors(MCV4U) and/or Advanced Functions(MHF4U).

Ontario curriculum high school math prerequiste

Source: Ontario Ministry of Education Website

High School Prep 

High School Prep course is designed to develop and solidify students’ understanding of numbers, algebra, and geometry.  We focus on creating a strong foundation necessary for students to succeed in high school math.

What you will learn

Unit 1 : Number Sense and Operations

Unit 2 : Algebraic Expressions

Unit 3 : Equations and Inequalities

Unit 4 : Working with Data

Unit 5 : Foundations of 2D and 3D Dimensions


Grade 9

Grade 9 curriculum covers a diverse range of topics designed to build a strong foundation for higher-level mathematical understanding. Students typically explore concepts in algebra, geometry, and numeracy, delving into areas such as linear relations, equations, polynomials, and quadratic functions. The curriculum also includes the study of proportional reasoning, analytic geometry, and mathematical modeling.

* We do not cover Financial Literacy and Coding

What you will learn

Unit 1: Working with Numbers

Unit 2: Algebra

Unit 3: Linear Equations

Unit 4: Data Management

Unit 5: Linear Relations

Unit 6: Geometry

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Grade 10 

In Grade 10 Academic mathematics, students continue to build upon the foundational concepts introduced in previous grades, expanding their understanding and proficiency in various mathematical domains. The curriculum typically covers various topics, including advanced algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.

What you will learn

Unit 1: Linear Systems

Unit 2: Analytic Geometry

Unit 3: Quadratic Expressions

Unit 4: Quadratic Relations

Unit 5: Trigonometry

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Grade 11

In Grade 11 University mathematics, students delve deeper into advanced mathematical concepts, expanding their knowledge and skills in preparation for more specialized study in Grade 12 and beyond. The curriculum typically focuses on three main strands: Functions, Advanced Functions, and Data Management.

What you will learn

Unit 1: Equivalent Algebraic Expressions

Unit 2: Representing Functions

Unit 3: Quadratic Functions

Unit 4: Trigonometric Functions

Unit 5: Periodic Functions

Unit 6: Exponential Functions

Unit 7: Sequences and Series

Unit 8: Financial Math


Grade 12

In Grade 12 University mathematics, students comprehensively explore advanced mathematical concepts that aim to develop their analytical thinking and problem-solving skills further. The curriculum typically comprises courses such as Advanced Functions and Calculus and Vectors.

What you will learn

Advanced Functions

Unit 1: Polynomial Functions

Unit 2: Rational Functions

Unit 3: Trigonometric Functions

Unit 4: Logarithmic Functions

Unit 5: Combining Functions

Unit 6: Rates of Change

Calculus and Vectors

Unit 1: Limits and Derivatives

Unit 2: Curve Sketching

Unit 3: Optimization

Unit 4: Derivatives of Sinusoid

Unit 5: Vectors

Unit 6: Vectors Representation

Learning Through Practice

Learning Through Practice Program (LTP) aims to solidify algebraic and analytical skills covered in TMA courses through further practice. Students will use various workbooks during the sessions with a TMA teacher closely monitoring and clarifying concepts. Continued practice of skills in math helps to reduce small errors that can be costly and to foster critical thinking skills required in solving problems. Further, consistent interactions with the monitoring teacher can build communication skills needed to address any difficulties they experience as well as in advocating for themselves when back at school.

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